Remote CCTV installations provide a vital link for often very isolated areas. Often monitoring mission critical outdoor remote areas that are unmanned and alerting when motion or human movement is detected. It is therefore important to have the correct equipment matched to the environment and more so equipment that can be relied upon 24/7, year round.
Lakes has several remote area installations from Fraser Island to the Pilbara and understands the uniqe complexity of having truly stand alone CCTV units that simply must stay online.
Below is a list of common areas of application for Remote Deployment CCTV Systems
- Farms and Agriculture
- Oil and Gas Fields (both land and sea based)
- Parks and Nature Reserves
- Hard Stand areas
- Mining
- Explosives Compounds
All Lakes Remote Deployment CCTV Systems are built to operate at up to 75 degrees in fanless IP66 rated equipment enclosures, this means our Remote Deployment CCTV units will withstand some of the harshets environments Australia has. Our units also come standard with remote web access to monitor all key equioment in the unit from battery voltage to incoming solar charge and equipment load. We can also intergrate with many different types of equipment from Pumps to Generators in order to send alerts when equipment has errors.
For example, rather than simply monitoring a remote water trough via CCTV, why not intergrate into the float system and be alerted with an accompanying picture if the water is running low or if the pump control system is generating an error message. Almost exclusively outdoors, Remote Deployment CCTV systems must be able to function when the going gets tough, thus Lakes preferes to use Mobotix cameras. Thier decentalised design and out of the box robustness makes them the camera of choice, from a farm in the Perth basin to a beach in Albany or a hard stand paddock in Port Headland, Mobotix cameras with no moving parts fit the bill.